Advice on Standardized Exams
This advice concerns standardized exams.
This advice concerns standardized exams.
In response to Sarah Genner’s, On/Off, I’d argue there’s an undifferentiated muddle in the online/offline dichotomy.
Sherry Turkle’s 2012 TED Talk, Connected, But Alone? presents the latest iteration of her research on human-technology interaction. … Continue reading
The Kony 2012 video came up on my iPhone contemporaneously while eating at Zabar’s in NYC with a German academic.
I concur with Zeynep Tufekci’s argument that Internet instigated movements are easy to organize, but may be more disruptive than revolutionary in effecting social change. … Continue reading
Timothy Lee wrote on Internet-based challenges to the political scene prior to the November 2016 elections. In retrospect, his observations were particularly prescient.
This is my response to James Moore’s article, “The Second Superpower” in Extreme Democracy.
Many of us thought the Internet would level the playing field in politics, governance, publishing and any system entailing information exchange back in the late 1980s to early 1990s. Alas, I am of that age…