A fair haired girl
Once came my way
My name is Susan
I heard her say
A thousand curls
Curvaceous smile
Lovely blue grey eyes
Iconoclastic style
Tempest above
Up the hill!
Mist below
A beautiful vista beheld
Turning atop
First wanting to kiss her
My adoration
Bashfully withheld
Languid Sunday mornings
Breakfast omelets potatoes
Cereal beer
And our very most favorite
Jazz brunch
Times we were closest
Sensual feelings
Loving ever so much
Endearing a pastime
Endeavoring to coax
A sigh-like laugh
Of simple things shared most
Quickened my love
As she responded
Perhaps to her
Gazing askance
Her bedroom window
Of late the season
Grew numb
In candle lit darkness
I drew her nearer
Dreamt of spring warmth
Our future undone
I love her the same
Heart and soul
She’d remember
In thoughts of yesteryear
Though the song is through
The dance never ended
My spirit shall ever
Be there